If love was a person…

Is love optional? Is it something we need in life, like a barren necessity that prolongs our life? Or just something that if not chosen carefully can be our downfall? Better to know love… I think its inevitable. To fall in love, to fall for someone. That pain is just something everyone needs to go…

The Theory of the Mind

I often find myself, deep in the night, lacking the sweet embrace of dreams,in the distant hours, staring, waiting… They say the creatures of the night don’t sleep when the sun goes down,and i often havo to understand them. I feel trapped when then sun goes up, when the dawn greets the day, i can…

No escape from myself

I am used to be left with my thoughts, who most of the time shout at me in despair, telling me i am a failure. I feel lost in the dark. Even tho i have someone in my life, firat time in so many years, who wants to understand whats in my head, someone who…